At this time of year my favourite plant has to be the Hellebore, or Christmas Rose. In these dark January days, nothing can brighten them up then seeing these beautiful and elegant flowers dangling from their tall stems. I first came across the plant when I was studying horticulture at College. I studied at Hadlow College in Tunbridge Kent, and it was home to an impressive collection of Hellebores. All the horticulture student would get involved in their care, and some would give guided tours of the collection when they were in flower.
They come in many forms. The herbaceous Helleborus hybridus types have large bright flowers, coming in a large number of colours from white too dark purple. There is also the evergreen Helleborus foetidus which has unique green flowers. All the different forms also incredibly versatile, equally at home in full sun or the dapple shade under a tree.
The well known Helleborus hybridus types have a very unique growth cycle, almost back to front compared to most herbaceous plants. Instead of sending up leaves in spring and then flowers in the summer, these plants produce their flowers during the winter and then start growing leaves in spring. They do this as a clever tactic to ensure their flowers are not competing with other plants for insects to pollinate them.
This unique growth cycle does mean us gardens have to be smart on how we care for these plants to ensure we get to enjoy their flowers. In late December you need to cut back all of last year’s foliage, carefully ensuring you don’t damage any emerging flowers. The allows the flower spikes not to be hidden behind their large and glossy leaves. It also keeps the plant neat and tidy, as well as removing any diseases or pests on the old leaves. Then once the flowers have died back, you can cut them back as the new foliage emerges in the spring.
The only downside of the flowers is that they are low to the ground and droop downwards. This is another evolutionary tactic to protect the delicate parts of the flower from the harsh weather conditions you get in winter. This does mean in came be difficult for us really enjoy their beauty. Traditionally, hellebore flowers have been picked and then floated in water or sand as a way to display them, though you can try growing them in hanging baskets or tall planters so you can appreciate them at eye level.
However you try and display them, you have to agree that their flowers and beautiful and brighten up a garden in winter. They are great plants to grow in a shady spot under trees, or even in a mixed herbaceous border. I would recommend them for everyone’s garden.
Very informative. Mine are not out yet. Hope for them to come soon 😊.
Would you cut back foliage on plants not yet 1 year old?